Aug 6, 2008


I finished Breaking Dawn this morning! And I just have 2 words for it...LOVED IT! I can't tell you all how excited I was for Breaking Dawn to come out, I got Breaking Dawn at 12:00 AM when it realeased on Aug 2nd, after standing in line at walmart with my Sister in Law (Kara :) for about 45 min! :) . I know I shouldn't be acting like a teenager, but once I started with the series I was hooked. It being the longest book i ever read, i did pretty good with time, although a few things got neglected, everyone survived!:) This book was so much different than I expected, but in amazingly good ways. Although I am sad that the series is over...sigh...

I have to say that this book has taught me so much about life, love, sacrifice, and about what's really most important. It's helped me realize that becoming the person I want to become isn't something that is going to just happen on it's own.Anything that is worth having (or becoming) is worth fighting for. I'm not a person that usually gets symbolism or hidden meanings very well, but after finishing this book I just got It! And it really made me think!

I wish all of you out there happy reading, and let me know what you think when you're done. If the book starts to freak you out a little like it did me, I promise it'll be all worth it in the end :). I don't know if all of you will get the same things out of it that I did, but at the very least you'll hopefully appreciate and love your family more. Plus you'll get a heck of a great story!

1 comment:

Its All Good Ya'll said...

I have heard so many amazing things about this series. I have been tempted to start reading but I can't get past the whole vampire theme. Is there anything you can tell me to get past that?