Tyson absolutly loves being outdoors! For the longest time he has had an "issue" with the feel and texture of grass and wouldnt leave the blanket that we had layed out, but apparently, as of today, he no longer cares! He was very busy exploring and was very curious about everything that he came upon (like this dandy lion!) It was precious! I have really cherished every miniute with him, today especially, because i have realized that my baby is growing up way to fast for me, last May he wasnt even born yet, now here he is crawling around, knowing exactly where he wants to go! Time passes by much to quickly!
It looks like he is feeling better, my kiss must have been the magic touch. ha ha Don't blink, before you know it Ty will be as big as Denae! I really loved the age gap between Denae and Naomi. 3 years was perfect because of several reasons. The 2 year gap bewteen Naomi and Aliya is a lot harder!!!!
Shantel! Your blog looks great! Seriously - you are a pro! I love keeping up with you guys this way. And it forces you to take more pictures huh? Tyson is precious...
Tyson and I were married in December of 06' we have a beautiful life together, he really is my "other half". We have a very active toddler,Tyson, he is such a little sweetheart and is so full of life! Jarom was born in april, we are loving getting to know him, he never fails to bring a smile to our faces! Our boys are our little sunshines, they bring us so much joy! We are just enjoying our journey through life together and cant wait to see what the future has in store for us!
It looks like he is feeling better, my kiss must have been the magic touch. ha ha Don't blink, before you know it Ty will be as big as Denae! I really loved the age gap between Denae and Naomi. 3 years was perfect because of several reasons. The 2 year gap bewteen Naomi and Aliya is a lot harder!!!!
Shantel! Your blog looks great! Seriously - you are a pro! I love keeping up with you guys this way. And it forces you to take more pictures huh? Tyson is precious...
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