Jan 28, 2009

Update! Update! Read All About It!!

This last month has been a pretty mellow month for us, Tysons job is in its slow season so we have been spoiled having daddy home a lot of the time:)We have been able to enjoy relaxing movie nights at home together, and been able to have game nights with our friends, Zach and Megan, which always turn out to be so much fun!! Its been so nice having Tyson home, Im pretty tired of this cold weather but dont want summer to come too soon because I have enjoyed having my hubby around and will miss him come summer :(

On a lower note, We have had to be at the doctors for lil Ty quite often lately :( We recently found out our poor lil guy has allergies to; eggs, cats, and they are still doing some testing for others... We also were at the doctors yesterday because of Tys cold and found out that he has Bronchitis!! He is on antibiotics and has to do regular breating treatments :( Despite his cold he has been in pretty good spirits!! Most of the time he is as happy as ever and you couldnt even tell that he was fighting an infection!! What a strong lil guy we have!!

I am now about 29 weeks along and Jarom is growing faster than ever!! (As you can see from the pictures :)... He is having a great time being quite the little gymnast doing all sorts of crazy movements in my belly! If I hadnt seen for myself I would be convinced that there were two in there!! So far this pregnancy has been going pretty well, besides the horrible reflux that I have just began to get!! It has been really painful but I am working with my doctor on ways that I can allevate this pain. I just hope it doesnt get worse during these last few months :(...I already have so much love for my sweet son! We cant wait to meet him! Only about 2 1/2 months to go!!! Crazy how time flys by so quickly!


Its All Good Ya'll said...

Hey there hottie! You look great! I am so excited for you and your growing family. I hope Ty feels better, please tell him his Aunt Ger-Bear loves him and give him a kiss from me.

love you guys!

The Van Komen Family said...

You are such a beautiful person and mom, inside and out!