Jan 15, 2009

Becoming a Reality...

Today I was laying on the couch relaxing and watching my sweet lil Tyson play with his toys, and baby Jarom started kicking me. It has really hit me lately and especially then, that not to long from now I will have a newborn and be a mommy of two! I have so many emotions about this, most of the time I am excited and cant wait to welcome this new addition to our family, but there are times when Im scared and nervous about this big change in our lives! I am nervous about tyson learning how to be a big brother and my ajustment to having two babies!! My amazing hubby has been here for me through my worries, he listens to me and reassures me that everything will be ok and daydreams with me about our growing family! I just love him so much! I am so grateful for my family!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh Shantel, I can definitely relate! I can remember having those same feelings when I was pregnant with Elise. It's an exciting and scary thing to be a mother isn't it? You are an awesome mom and I know that you will be great with two!