Jun 10, 2009

The Escape Artist!

Heres the Story Behind this Picture:

Tyson was playing with his toys on our backyard porch (so i thought)

I was inside nursing the baby

After a while I hear "Mama Mama"

I figured he was wanting me to come play with him

I yell through the open door "hold on Ty"

Again "MaMa Mama Mama"

I go to the back door and dont see him.

So I set the baby down

Went outback to see what mischief tyson had gotten into

I follow the calls "Mama mama" getting louder

And here is What I find??!!!

How he got up there I have no idea!

How to get down?, well I guess he couldnt figure that one out!!

What A little Monkey I have!!!


Its All Good Ya'll said...

I can't believe you took time to go get the camera!!!! I guess that is the difference between boys and girls except that is totally something Naomi would do!

mamasita said...

AHHHHH! oh my goodness!! And so it begins! :-)