Aug 23, 2009

Markers and Sharpies, and Pens! Oh My!!

Our little terrible 2 year old (not to name names) has been going through quite the artistic stage in his life. Deciding that our whole house is his own personal canvas. Especially the walls and our sectional!! We have since banned all markers and pens from being anywhere near his reach!! Here is our little trouble maker cleaning up is master piece on the wall....we dont have any pictures of his art on our sectional, we were a little to upset to take pictures of that one :) But we have quite the little artist, wouldnt you say!??


abuelita said...

You should have just painted a frame around it an had him sign it! :-)
Hahaha - you go little tyger man!!!

Its All Good Ya'll said...

2 words....magic eraser! It works wonders, trust me my third is in that phase. They key is to encourage that artistic side with chaulk on the sidewalk or fingerpaints on newspaper, or markers on a big posterboard. It is so fun to watch them create!