Mar 25, 2009

pregnancy update....

So I just thought I would keep everyone updated about what has been going on with the pregnancy...I went to the Doctors yesterday and found out that I am 1 centimeter dialated and 70% effaced! Its a start so Im happy :) I am getting very uncomfortable and huge!! Even the smallest of tasks makes me sooo tired! Im achey and emotional! So I think that it is definitly time to meet this little one!!
I must look pretty miserable and like Im about to pop cause I get comments everywhere I go; my favorite: "Oh my! Are you having twins! and "Oh honey Im so sorry, you look miserable! You must be due any time!" hahaha thank you so much for that complement!!
My due date is April 17th but I have been getting contractions pretty often so I have a feeling he may be coming sooner. ( Im keeping my fingers crossed :) Im not planning on being induced unless I have to be so I am prepared to have to wait untill my due date..... Hopefully I can get some pictures of my belly posted soon for everyone to see!!!


Its All Good Ya'll said...

I wish I could be there, I would come rub your feet or bring you dinner or something. I know how those comments feel, I usually start getting them around 4 months. I get so huge instead of asking me if I am having twins most people ask me "how many are in there?". The worst part is telling them I still have several months to go... thanks for the birth control, I needed that! ;-)

Tyler and Melissa Moore said...

Awww Shantel I know how you feel about the comments people make! I always got "Are you due any day now?" When I was only like 6months. I got pretty big. But soon enough he will be here! I can't wait to meet him!!! Keep us posted.. I love reading updates!

Anonymous said...

Haha - I think I've actually done that to other women!!! How horrible! I know better now - I will NEVER do that again! By the way..I think you look beautiful, for what it's worth! I love you Shantel!