Aug 4, 2009

My Lil Jack Jack :)

The other day while we were watching The Incredibles we noticed a remarkable and hilarious resemblance between Jarom and Jack Jack :) (minus the double chin) And we found it quite funny!! Let us know what you think :) Look alikes ??


Its All Good Ya'll said...

Oh Jack Jack! How funny is that! I think you should make him an Incredible costume for Halloween!

Walker Family said...

I was thinking the exact same thing :)

mom said...

HAHAHA!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! How funny is that!!! :-D

Henry Family said...

okay new game guys... we all need to find cartoon characters for each of the kids! I bet it wouldn't take long!!

Sara said...

My daughter Hannah was looking at this with me and when she saw the pictures she said "Woah, that baby is the same as that one!" :o)