Oct 22, 2008

Baby Bump!

Im showing now so I figured that it was about time to but some pictures of the baby bump on here! I am almost 15 weeks pregnant and finally in my 2nd trimester so Im starting to finally feel better and get some of the energy that Ive been lacking back!! Our little peanut is about the size of an orange, around 4 inches long and weights around 2.5 ounces! The heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day!!Our little peanut is able to suck its thumb and make facial expressions such as frowning, smiling and squinting!!.... So what do you all think that we are having??!! Little Girl or Little Boy? It would be fun to hear your opinion!??

1 comment:

Its All Good Ya'll said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. I have been thinking about you alot and wondering how you are feeling. I guess if I were a good sister I would just call and find out, sorry.

I am going to guess girl for absolutely no reason, I guess I have a 50-50 shot at getting it right. When you had your ultrasound did they tell you your due date?